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Valerio Leone Sciabolazza
Department of Economics and Law – Sapienza University of Rome
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Joined Editorial Board: Journal of Economic Geography
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Articolo precedente:
Uche Eseosa Ekhator-Mobayode, Vasco Molini, Grace Namugayi, Valerio Leone Sciabolazza (2023), “Fragility, Livelihoods, and Migration Dynamics”, in H. R. Irhiam, M. G. Schaeffer, K. Watanabe (eds.), “The Long Road to Inclusive Institutions in Libya: A Sourcebook of Challenges and Needs”, International Development in Focus, World Bank Group, Chapter 10, 163-177.
Articolo successivo:
V. Leone Sciabolazza (2021), Bargaining within the Council of the European Union: An empirical study on the allocation of funds of the European budget. Italian Economic Journal, 8, 227–258 [keynote paper]