- M. Di Maio, V. Leone Sciabolazza (2023), Conflict exposure and labour market outcomes: Evidence from longitudinal data from the Gaza Strip, Labour Economics, 85, 102439
- L. Forastiere, D. Del Prete, V. Leone Sciabolazza (2024), Causal Inference on Networks under Continuous Treatment Interference: an application to trade distortions in agricultural markets, Social Networks, 76, 88-111
- M. Di Maio, F. Fasani, V. Leone Sciabolazza, V. Molini (2023), Facing Displacement and a Global Pandemic: Evidence from a Fragile State, Journal of Demographic Economics, 1-26. Previous version: CEPR discussion paper, DP17104
- M. Battaglini, V. Leone Sciabolazza, E. Patacchini (2023), Abstentions and Social Networks in Congress, The Journal of Politics, forthcoming. Previous version: NBER Working Paper 27822
- M. Di Maio , V. Leone Sciabolazza , V. Molini (2023), Migration in Libya: a spatial network analysis, World Development, 163, 106139. Previous version: World Bank, Policy Research Working Paper 9110
- M. Fontana, M. Iori, V. Leone Sciabolazza, D. F. De Souza (2022), The interdisciplinarity dilemma: public versus private interests, Research Policy, 51(7), 104553
- M. Battaglini, V. Leone Sciabolazza, E. Patacchini, S. Peng (2022), An R Package for the Estimation of Parameter-Dependent Network Centrality Measures, Journal of Statistical Software, 102(8), 1-30.
- V. Costantini, V. Leone Sciabolazza, E. Paglialunga (2022), Network-driven positive externalities in clean energy technology production: The case of energy efficiency in the EU residential sector, Journal of Technology Transfer, 1-33.
- V. Leone Sciabolazza, L. Riccetti (2022), Diffusion Delay Centrality: decelerating diffusion processes across networks, Industrial and Corporate Change, 31(4), 980–1003
- M. Di Maio, V. Leone Sciabolazza (2021), Conflict exposure and health: Evidence from the Gaza Strip, Health Economics, 30(9), 2287-2295
- R. Cerqueti, L. De Benedictis, V. Leone Sciabolazza (2021), Segregation with Social Linkages: Evaluating Schelling’s Model with Networked Individuals, Metroeconomica, 73 (2), 384-440.
- V. Leone Sciabolazza (2021), Bargaining within the Council of the European Union: An empirical study on the allocation of funds of the European budget. Italian Economic Journal, 8, 227–258 [keynote paper]
- Uche Eseosa Ekhator-Mobayode, Vasco Molini, Grace Namugayi, Valerio Leone Sciabolazza (2023), “Fragility, Livelihoods, and Migration Dynamics”, in H. R. Irhiam, M. G. Schaeffer, K. Watanabe (eds.), “The Long Road to Inclusive Institutions in Libya: A Sourcebook of Challenges and Needs”, International Development in Focus, World Bank Group, Chapter 10, 163-177.
- D. De Stefano and L. Kronegger and V. Leone Sciabolazza and M. P. Vitale and S. Zaccarin (2021), Social Network tools for the evaluation of individual and group scientific performance, in D.Checchi, T. Jappelli, A.F. Uricchio (eds.), Teaching, Research and Academic Careers, forthcoming
- M. Battaglini, Leone Sciabolazza V., Patacchini E. (2020), Effectiveness of connected legislators, American Journal of Political Science, 64(4), 739-756 [lead article] [Center for Effective Lawmaking Best Article Award]
- V. Leone Sciabolazza, R. Vacca, C. McCarty (2020), Connecting the dots: A network intervention to foster scientific collaboration and productivity, Social Networks, 61, 181-195
- V. Leone Sciabolazza (2018), A Net of Moving People: Network Analysis of International Migration Flows, In A. Amighini, S. Gorgoni, M. Smith, Networks of International Trade and Investment, Vernon Press
- V. Leone Sciabolazza, R. Vacca, T. Kennelly Okraku, C. McCarty (2017), Detecting and analyzing research communities in longitudinal scientific networks, Plos One, 12(8), e0182516
- Abdel-Baki M., V. Leone Sciabolazza (2014), A consensus-based corporate governance paradigm for Islamic banks, Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 6 (1), pp. 93-108
Editorial Activities
Revise and Resubmit
Under Review
- M. Di Maio, N. Elmallakh, V. Leone Sciabolazza, News Sentiment in Destination Countries and Migration Choices : Evidence from Libya, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper WPS10754
- M. Battaglini, V. Leone Sciabolazza, Lin M., E. Patacchini, Unobserve Contributions and Political Influence: Evidence From the Death of Top Donors, NBER w32649
- S. Barabuffi, V. Costantini, V. Leone Sciabolazza, E. Paglialunga (2021), Knowledge spillovers through skilled-workers migration network: evidence from OECD countries.